our patients say…
Wesley’s Story
Kristina’s Story
Karen’s Story
W e l c o m e – t o
Welcome to Montz and Maher Dental Group, where we have helped countless patients overcome snoring and sleep apnea. We utilize innovative treatment technology to reverse the dangerous effects of these sleeping disorders.
No matter how long you have been suffering from snoring or sleep apnea, our team can create a customized treatment plan that will work for you.
Our dedicated doctors and team will work side-by-side with you discussing your options, including custom-made mouthguards, lifestyle changes, and CPAP machines. It’s time to put sleep apnea to bed!
Stop Snoring
Snoring can be a significant issue, not only for the snorer but also for the other members of the household. Snoring can also be an indicator of sleep apnea, a threatening sleep disorder that can cause heart problems and weight gain. Fortunately, our dentists offer advanced technology to diagnose and treat the cause of snoring. Learn More
Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. The problem is that 80% of these patients who are suffering from exhaustion and mood swings have no idea what might be causing their symptoms. If you’re suffering from snoring or sleepiness, schedule a complimentary consultation. Learn More
Treatment Options
Our caring staff here at Montz and Maher Dental Group treats snoring and sleep apnea on an individual, case-by-case basis. Your sleep apnea is different than the next patient’s; that’s why we’ll create a treatment plan unique to your symptoms and medical history, with all practices and procedures tailored to your needs. Learn More
What makesus Different